Welcome to The Maccabi Draft ’22!
Growing our Community Peer to Peer, L’dor vador
When you have something good you want to tell people. The best way to get new potential campers excited about our camp is to hear it from current campers. We live by values, one of which is “K’lal Yisrael”, roughly translated as “we’re all in this together”. What better way to be in it together than to share what you love with new people.
In this spirit, we’d like to enlist your kids to help with The Maccabi Draft ‘22. All they have to do is spread the word and collect contact information for potential camp families and then get to proudly show off their efforts with some sweet new swag (see below).
Click here to sign up to be a Maccabi Scout today and help us recruit the next generation of Maccabi Athletes!
How will this work:
Each camper who signs up will get a packet in the mail to kick off this program. It will include:
- Special Camp Swag
- Explanation of the program
- Tips for success and how to get parent email addresses from their friends, teammates, family members, etc.
- Brochures and Postcards to give to potential campers and families
The 2022 Draft will run from December 1, 2021 through January 14, 2022.
We will kick it off with a special pep rally (via Zoom) on Tuesday, November 30 at 7pm. Details will be sent to everyone who signs up to participate.
For the true competitive sports experience, we will have tiered prizes for each level of success:
- Starter – A branded rally towel and headband for everyone who participates
- All Star – Draft Water Bottle/Bluetooth Speaker for collecting contact info for 5 or more people
- MVP – Draft Full-Zip Hoodie for any new registered camper
We think this will be very fun for our campers. If your kid(s) would like to participate, please sign up here and we’ll get their Kick-off packet into the mail.
It’s time join the Maccabi Scout Team!
Thanks in advance for helping to make the Maccabi Draft ‘22 a success.
Questions, reach out to Josh to learn more, josh@maccabisportscamp.org or (415) 997-8844