
Strength in Character – Purim Edition

 Strength In Character

By Brent Osborne

This month Jews around the world will celebrate the holiday of Purim, commemorating the savior of the Jewish people by Queen Esther from Haman. The story of Purim honors those individuals who stand up for their core values.

Even when she was sequestered in darkness, Queen Esther called upon her strength and courage to save the Jewish people. Like a superhero, she had clear demarcations of right and wrong etched into the granite of her character.

“Who knows if you have not come to your position for just such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

There is no better time than now to discuss the importance of righteous action with your children. At camp, we start small by teaching our campers what it means to act with integrity when faced with ethical decisions. Integrity is about more than just being honest; it’s about doing what is right for the right reason.

As we recall the story of Purim, be inspired to act for what is just and awaken your inner Superhero by living with integrity. We too can tap into our own hidden super powers and transform our communities.

Do you know someone who has displayed Strength in Character in your community? Nominate them now!

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